[Linux] [BD-R] Wrong bytes per sector on a burned BD-R media

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Review attack surface on Telegram example

It’s been a while since I wrote something here… Let’s dig an iceberg of “security in general” again. This is a very brief review that is using Telegram mobile application, which connects through the mobile network to a remote server, just as an example. The attack surface may be different for you, but it can still contain the same basic elements (not always). Application layer (Telegram app) Libraries OS + backups Device + GSM stack Network layers API service + some backend Third-party services 1.
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Hello 3d printer

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fix Virtualbox on Devuan ASCII

When this patch is required When you are using GNU/Linux Devuan v 2 (ASCII), latest (for 2018-04-23) OS provided kernel 4.15.0-0.bpo.2-amd64 and Virtualbox 5.1 (which was latest for ASCII available from devuan repo at moment when this was written) Why this patch is required Because some of Linux kernel function names changed and DKMS vboxdrv rebuild step, which compile new kernel module for VirtualBox, will permanentny fail with compile errors; What you will see without patch VirtualBox will fail to start as there are no kernel module; VirtualBox kernel module will fail to compile; STDERR: The provider 'virtualbox' that was requested to back the machine 'default' is reporting that it isn't usable on this system.
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SUID vs Capabilities

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